Injectable Vitamin D Product for Camelids – August 2022


During 2021, the European Medicines Agency massively increased withdrawal periods for veterinary medicines containing vitamin A for use in food producing species. This resulted in many of the available injectable vitamin D products, that also contain vitamin A, being withdrawn from the market due to no longer being viable commercial products. Since camelid species require supplementation with vitamin D during the winter, BVCS President Claire Whitehead sourced a suitable product and made contact with a veterinary wholesaler based in the UK that would be willing to import a product specifically for camelids. In spring 2022, Claire asked the BAS to promote a survey of camelid owners to try to ascertain the usage of injectable vitamin D products to gauge likely requirement for import. This product is now offered by Vetsonic UK (Ltd) and is available for purchase by vets with an
appropriate Special Import Certificate from the VMD.

Product details are below.
Product Name: ADE-vit solution for injection (it's the first ADE product on the VMD list) 100ml bottles
Manufacturer: Bioveta A.S
Country of origin: Czech Republic
Wholesaler is Vetsonic (UK) Ltd.

Please place orders with Vetsonic by email and include your SIC with your order:

Please note that there is a limited supply of this product currently in the UK, based purely on owners’ completion of a survey over the summer. Order what your clients will need for the winter period: do not over order. If you find that more is going to be required, you should place orders sooner rather than later as there will be a 2 month lead-in period for more product to be ordered – and the minimum order to supply the UK demand is 500 bottles. Therefore, lead in time will also rely on orders from other vets. 

Recommended dosing is 1000-2000 IU/kg of Vitamin D, given subcutaneously, normally every 2 months October to April. For further dosing info, please visit: